çevre hidrant sistemleri

Aqueous Extinguishing Systems

External hose (Hidrant) systems, one of the manual water extinguishing systems, are in our fire regulation; Places where the total floor area of ​​the buildings to be built in the residential areas planned separately from the general residential areas exceeds 5,000 m².


Foam Extinguishing Systems

Low expansion foam extinguishing systems can be applied to storage tanks, tanker filling areas and special risk areas containing flammable-flammable liquids. These systems discharge foam bubbles to the liquid surface. Thus cooling and …

gazlı söndürme sistemleri

Gas Extinguishing Systems

Fast and effective fire extinguishing is the strong point of carbon dioxide extinguishing systems. Extinguishing with carbon dioxide suffocates the oxygen at its source and ends the fire. The high heat absorbing capacity of carbon dioxide, the energy from the fire source…

davlunbaz söndürme sistemleri

Hood Extinguishing Systems

Catering kitchens tend to use large amounts of hot oil and oil to prepare food. These hot oils and oils present a particularly high risk of fire. Most fires in the kitchen are in deep fryers, frying pans…
davlunbaz söndürme sistemleri

Fire Detection and Warning Systems

Addressable fire detection systems have microprocessor infrastructure. Today, they are the most advanced systems used in fire alarm systems. Each detection element has an address, and with the Alarm Panel, all elements …