The use of different standards that do not overlap with each other in the same design often causes faulty design and manufacturing.
The integrity of the design and application rules in fire protection systems is very important. There are standards regulated by many different institutions in the world. Sometimes it is necessary to comply with both of these standards, and most importantly, it is necessary to have a high degree of knowledge and assimilation of these standards.
The following text is the Regulation and Related Standards on Fire Protection of Buildings in Turkey. (It is the Regulation Required to be Used in Projects in Turkey as a legal obligation.)
BYKHY Article 5-2 Turkish Standards shall be taken as basis for the fire protection of metro, marina, helipad, tunnel, stadium, airport and similar usage areas by the designers, and in the absence of these standards, European Standards shall be taken as basis for the matters for which there is no sufficient provision in this Regulation. Internationally accepted standards can also be used for matters not regulated in Turkish or European Standards.
American National Fire Protection Association Guidelines (NFPA National Fire Protection Association)
It is generally used in matters not covered by the priority standards to which BYKHY provisions refer, or when requested by insurance companies. NFPA standards are preferred because they are a comprehensive standard that is accepted around the world and is updated periodically.
FM Insurance Firm – Loss Prevention Datasheets (FM Factory Mutual Loss Prevention Datasheets)
It is requested to be used in the campuses insured by the FM insurance company. It is also accepted by other authorities, especially on the issues it gives details about industrial facilities.
German Association of Property Insurers (VDS)
It is generally requested in fire protection systems of investors based in Germany.